Something Barrowed III
Defeat the six Barrows Brothers and loot their chest 25 times.
eLeMeNtAl kIlL cHaOs III
Defeat the Chaos Elemental 25 times.
Allow the Chaos Elemental's 'Madness' attack to unequip something you're wearing five times.
Dagannoth For Everyone III
Defeat any of the Dagannoth Kings 25 times.
Mole Removal III
Defeat the Giant Mole 25 times.
Whack a Mole II
Defeat the Giant Mole in hard mode 10 times.
Bug Swatter III
Defeat the Kalphite Queen 25 times.
Hail to the Queen
Defeat two Kalphite Guardians whilst fighting Kalphite Queen and then defeat her. Can only be completed in a solo instance.
Three Heads Are Deader Than One II
Defeat the King Black Dragon 10 times.
A Slippery Slope II
Defeat the Arch-Glacor 10 times.
Oh Ye of Little Faith
Defeat any of the Barrows brothers after using the correct protection prayer against all of their basic attacks.
Around the Mound in Eighty Days
Defeat each of the original Barrows Brothers, without leaving the area.
Layering Up
Don't allow the Chaos Elemental's 'Madness' attack to unequip something you're wearing.
Giant Mole Novice Speed Killer
Defeat the Giant Mole solo in less than 05:00.
Giant Mole (HM) Novice Speed Killer
Defeat the Giant Mole in hard mode, solo, in less than 06:00.
Stunned and Done
Defeat the Giant Mole solo after stunning her during her 'Berserk' attack.
Kalphite Queen Novice Speed Killer
Defeat the Kalphite Queen solo in less than 02:30.
King Black Dragon Novice Speed Killer
Defeat the King Black Dragon solo in less than 01:00.
Feeling Flameproof
Defeat the King Black Dragon while using dragonfire protection to mitigate his attacks.